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LBP2 激光束分析仪

  • 公司名称深圳市华智腾光电科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       号LBP2系列
  • 所  在  地深圳市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2022/8/30 10:12:17
  • 访问次数334

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  华智腾(Hwa-tech)光电科技有限公司(以下简称华智腾)是一家专业系统解决方案的提供商,华智腾的核心团队主要来自于中科院、香港大学、华南理工大学、厦门大学等国内科研机构,且大部分是硕士、博士学历,在光电领域具有非常专业的技术背景和一定的影响力。 华智腾创建之初,就坚决贯彻推行“以专业技术推动销售,以专业方案让客户增值”,以光电检测技术为核心,自主设计、实施了大量的系统解决方案,涵盖物理分析、化学分析、生物分析、材料分析等众多领域;与此同时,华智腾也在不断地吸收人才,完善企业管理体系,努力建立技术开发、市场推广、产品营销、人力资源、财务系统等模块,致力将华智腾打造成为一个国际化的*产业公司。 华智腾是一支永远充满朝气和活力的团队,让客户推崇,让员工自豪,让股东满意一直是我们的奋斗目标;持续创新,与时俱进,华智腾期待与您一起腾飞!
LBP2 激光束分析仪 产品信息


LBP2 系列激光束分析仪可通过直观而强大的应用软件快速进行空间光束轮廓测量。

  • 新功能!引入了兼容 Windows 10 和 USB3.0 的相机
  • 广泛的 ISO 11145、11146-1/-3 套件以及 13694 测量
  • 获得的 Ultracal™ 算法可实现的精度测量
  • 合格/不合格的测试适用于大多数测量的参数
  • 所有测量参数的统计分析
  • 工业标准数据文件格式,HDF5 和 CS



Non-Gaussian Beam Profiles


While many laser systems operate with near-Gaussian beams, other laser systems possess non-Gaussian beams that propagate differently and exhibit significantly different spatial distributions (see above figure for examples). In some cases, a laser resonator emits a beam with a higher-order TEMmn mode. Depending on the resonator geometry, these modes can be cylindrical in nature and are called Laguerre-Gaussian beams or rectangular and are called Hermite-Gaussian beams. In other cases, a laser beam is modified by an optical system to such an extent that its profile and propagation can no longer be approximated using the Gaussian beam analysis. Flat-top beams are one such example where a beam exhibits a nearly constant irradiance over its beam width. Given the steep edges of the beam profile, the diameters of these beams are often characterized by their full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) values as opposed to the HW1/e2 radius values used for Gaussian beams. Such flat-top beams are important for laser-based material processing where a constant irradiance provides more uniform material modification. The propagation of these beams can be quite complicated and is often encountered when a laser beam overfills a focusing objective in order to generate a very small spot size in high-resolution microscopy.


新的 LBP2 系列激光束分析仪有可见 (190 - 1100 nm) CCD 或磷光体涂层 (1440 - 1605 nm) CCD 相机。这两款相机都有 640x480 阵列低分辨率或 1600x1200 阵列高分辨率版本。

3D beam profile for an intuitive understanding of the intensity distribution


每个激光束分析仪都配有可堆叠的中性密度滤光片(一个 ND1 和两个 ND2 滤光片),通光孔径为 19 mm,1 英寸-32UN(C 卡口)。这些 ND 滤光片的损伤阈值为 5 W/cm2。

LBP2 series comes with one ND1 and two ND2 stackable attenuators.


简单方便的 LBP2 软件和相机安装。有关分步说明,请参阅视频。


LBP2 软件接口通过易于使用的软件用户接口提供广泛的功能和 ISO 批准的定量结果。获得的 UltraCal 算法保证数据基线或“零参考点”精确到以像素为基础的数字计数的 1/10。ISO 11146 要求使用基线校正算法来提高波束宽度测量的精度。


新的 LBP2-UVIMG 是需要查看 193 到 360 nm 光束剖面的用户的理想选择。存在将通过硅相机成像不良的紫外线辐射转换成可见光的荧光板。然后将其成像到 CCD 上。该转换器具有高光输出、宽线性动态范围和高损伤阈值。分辨率为 35 X 35 um,尺寸为 &Oslash


新的 LBP2-UVBS 是紫外分束器,可以安装在 LBP2-UVIMG 的输入孔径上,以允许将更高功率/能量光束成像到 CCD 相机上。尽管 LBP2-UVIMG 的饱和强度在 248 nm 的 LBP2 光束分析仪中包括的滤光片为 ~ 15 mJ/cm2 和 ~ 20 mJ/cm2,一旦 LBP2-UVBS 安装在成像器上,可以成像更强的光束。

Phosphor Coating Optimized for 1440 - 1605 nm

The Phosphor coating technology allows you to view NIR (1440 - 1605 nm) lasers and light sources to measure with LBP2-IR and LBP2-HR-IR . The anti-Stokes phosphor coating produces visible photons at a rate roughly the square of the input signal. This non-linearity or Gamma is corrected in the software's Gamma Correction function. Thus an accurate, linear image of the beam profile is obtained permitting standard, cost effective analysis of NIR beams. Note that the measured laser spot size will be slightly larger than the actual size, due to the use of phosphorescence.


Unlike an optical power meter or a detector, a laser beam profiler does not have any recalibration process, as there is no traceable standard. However, to help you maintain camera performance, we recommend that customers return their camera on a regular basis (every 12 months is recommended under normal use) for a verification and recertification process. This process will correct bad pixels when possible, clean the imager, and certify that your camera is still performing to factory specifications. Or you will be advised of any changes that may be serious enough to require limiting use, repair or replacement. Please contact Newport calibration facility for inquiry and service.


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